Kinnie, Malta’s own national soft drink has caught the eye of the Italian press. Recent articles featuring Kinnie in some sections of the Italian press, include a report in a December issue of Panorama, one of Italy’s leading magazines.
When contacted, the producers of Kinnie – Simonds Farsons Cisk, said that Kinnie has been doing well overseas with new business secured in a growing number of countries.
The attention given to Kinnie in some sections of the Italian press suggests that the Farsons strategy of promoting Kinnie as a premium and exclusive soft drink that appeals to people who want to stand out from the crowd, seems to be working and Malta’s own soft drink is making some inroads in the cutthroat beverage markets abroad.
Ray Grech, Chief Marketing Officer at Simonds Farsons Cisk plc said that “Kinnie is such a unique and versatile product that we are able to approach each foreign market differently. For example, our strategy for the Italian market has seen us focus on Northern Italy where we have positioned Kinnie as a premium-price, exclusive soft drink available only in locali di tendenza (selected trendy establishments) in selected cities. In association with our Italian partners, we aim to slowly build the Kinnie brand into a leading speciality soft drink in the North of Italy over a number of years.”