Mr Paul Vella signing a copy of his book ‘The Industrial Revolution of Malta’ in the presence of Mr Louis A Farrugia, Farsons Group Chief Executive and Mr Arthur Muscat, Company Secretary, Simonds Farsons Cisk plc
Mr Paul Vella, author of the book ‘The Industrial Revolution of Malta’, recently presented copies of his publication to Mr Louis A Farrugia at the Farsons Brewery, Mriehel. Simonds Farsons Cisk plc has contributed towards its publication.
The Industrial Revolution of Malta, as the title suggests, is the story of the Malta’s industrial revolution written in a connected and coherent course of events by Valletta-born author, Paul Vella.
Starting his career in the Royal Air Force, Mr Vella later studied accountancy in London, qualifying as an associate of the Association of Certified Accountants (ACCA). In 1979 Mr Vella joined the Malta Development Corporation (MDC) as a financial accountant.
In writing ‘The Industrial Revolution of Malta’ Mr Vella spent three years conducting intensive research, bringing personal experience, both academic and professional, to the book. Mr Vella was also able to obtain detailed accounts from persons who took an active part in the course of the actual events.