Kinnie is proud to be extending its support to this year’s edition of the popular VOICES concerts, sponsored by Vodafone Foundation Malta, for the ninth consecutive time. The concerts are being held at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta from 6 – 10 and 13 – 17 October 2010. This year’s theme is “Listen to the Music”.
The VOICES Foundation is a non-profit organization and its concerts, held every two years, serve to raise money for charitable and worthy causes. To date, VOICES has contributed over one million Euro to various local and international charities including the Malta Hospice Movement, Eden Foundation, Caritas, JRS, Cash for Cancer, YMCA, Fondazzjoni Suret il-Bniedem, Razzett tal-Hbiberija, Dar tal-Providenza, UNICEF, Amnesty International, Red Cross International, UNHCR (Malta) and others.
The driving force behind VOICES is still the same as when the idea started in 1991 – to bring young people together in a positive and creative environment, to offer good entertainment and to be a voice for and aid the underprivileged.
“We are extremely proud to be long-time supporters of the VOICES initiative through our flagship brand, Kinnie. This extremely talented and gifted choir attracts large audiences to its concerts which have now become a national fundraising event,” said Lara Micallef, Brand Executive for Kinnie.
“In addition to various promotions for the audience at the concerts themselves, a competition is currently running on the competition section of www.kinnie.com where participants have the opportunity to win two tickets to one of this year’s concerts by answering a simple question,” continued Ms Micallef.
Booking for tickets will be open from mid-September. For more information please visit www.voices.org.mt.
Kinnie is produced, marketed and distributed by Simonds Farsons Cisk plc, a member of The Farsons Group.