from left, Mr Antonio Penalosa – Secretary General IOE, Ms Renate Hornung-Draus from the Confederation of German Employers and Europe IOE Vice President, Mr Louis A Farrugia – Chairman of the Farsons Group Executive Board, Mr Daniel Funes De Rioja – Executive Vice President IOE, and Mr Arthur Muscat – Farsons Company Secretary.
A delegation from the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) this morning visited the Farsons brewery at the request of the Malta Employers Association. The delegation is in Malta for the Annual General Meeting of the European Members of the IOE, the world’s largest network of employers.
Led by Mr Pierre Fava, President MEA, the delegation was given a welcome address by Mr Arthur Muscat, Farsons Company Secretary. The delegation visited the Beer Process Block and the PET Soft Drinks Packaging Hall, both locations boasting state-of-the-art technology.
Mr Louis A Farrugia, Chairman of the Farsons Group Executive Board, met Mr Daniel Funes De Rioja and Mr Antonio Penalosa, Executive Vice President and Secretary General respectively of the IOE, and Ms Renate Hornung-Draus of the Confederation of German Employers and Europe IOE Vice President.
Ms Renate Hornung-Draus highlighted the role and initiatives which the IOE assumed in favour of European Employers and Employers worldwide.
Mr Louis A Farrugia expressed pleasure at hosting the IOE delegation and emphasized the importance of solidarity among Employers to better promote and safeguard their organisations in difficult economic circumstances for the benefit of all stakeholders.