The Company announces that Ms Antoinette Caruana shall retire from the position of Company Secretary with effect from 31st January 2023. The Board of Directors would like to thank Ms Caruana for her loyalty and commitment during her years of service.
The Company further announces that Ms Nadine Magro has been appointed in her stead with effect from 1st February 2023.
In accordance with Capital Market Rule 5.20, the following details are hereby being disclosed to the public:
Name: Ms Nadine Magro
Address: Alof Court, Block C, Flat 2, Triq il-Mastrudaxxi, Santa Venera, Malta
Principal activities performed outside the Company: N/A
Directorships held in previous 5 years in other Issuers: N/A
Furthermore, there are no other matters that require disclosure in terms of the Capital Markets Rules 5.20.5 to 5.20.9.
By order of the Board
Antoinette Caruana
Company Secretary